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National Public Data Security Breach Thumbnail

National Public Data Security Breach

BY: Chrissy Israel, ChFC®- Financial Planner

With the recent news of the National Public Data security breech, Buckingham Advisors wants to take this time to remind everyone of some best practices to protect their identity. 

If you are not intending to use your credit anytime soon, we suggest you contact each of the credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) and freeze your credit. This will keep anyone from utilizing your information to access credit for their benefit. 

Another best practice is to use a reputable credit monitoring service if you do not want to freeze your credit. Most credit card companies do offer this service for free to their users. If your credit card company does not offer this service, we suggest talking with your bank or insurance company to see if they offer a discounted service for you to utilize. 

If you would like to discuss other ways to protect your identity, please contact us at 937-435-2742 to discuss further.

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